Aurora Watch (29-30 August, 2016)

The Australian Space Weather Service (SWS ) has now  issued an  Aurora Watch for 29-30 August UT from the high speed solar wind stream in the previous alert. Evening and morning skies are Moon free, but cloud is problematic. It is possible aurora may be seen in Tasmania and Southern Victoria if the minor storms eventuate. As of  the last few hours, conditions have shown no sign of a storm, but the ACE spacecraft has seen what looks like a solar wind front passing so it may hit in the early hours of the 30th, or later that evening.

Dark sky sites have the best chance of seeing anything, and always allow around 5 minutes for your eyes to become dark adapted.
As always look to the south for shifting red/green glows, beams have been reported consistently over the last few aurora and a large green "blob" has been seen, as well as bright proton arcs and "picket fences".

Here is the near-real time satellite view of the clouds
Cloud cover predictions can be found at SkippySky.  

The all sky aurora camera in Northern Tasmania at Cressy may be helpful.

ISSUED AT 0549 UT ON 29 Aug 2016 by Space Weather Services

Minor geomagnetic storming expected tonight and tomorrow. There is a
possibility that aurora will be visible in Tasmania and the southern
Australian regions during local nighttime hours. Aurora alerts will
follow should favourable space weather activity eventuate.

Further monitoring at
Tag : aurora
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