Live Webcasts of Tomorrows (March 9) Solar Eclipse.

Partial Eclipse, 10:17 am March 9 Partial Eclipse as seen from Darwin near maximum eclipse, 10:17 am AEST. Simulated in Stellarium.

Just a reminder that on the morning of March 9, there will be a Solar eclipse. From Australia though, we only get to see a partial eclipse, and then only from northern Australia.

Detailed timings and viewing hints for Australia are at this page.

However, if the weather is rubbish, you may want to try and watch a live webcast of the Total Solar Eclipse. Live webcasts are at:

The Exploratorium (1:00�2:15 UT, 12-13:15 AEDST)

NASA TV (from 01:00 UT; 12 pm AEDST)

Slooh (23:00 UT; 10 am AEDST)

Stars4All  (22:32 UT; 10:32 AEDST)
Tag : eclipse, solar, webcam
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