Unaided eye aurora with beams are being reported from multiple sites in Tasmania (Howra, Genorchy, Newstead and others), aurora have been reported from Terrigal central coast of NSW (!!!).
Current Kp is 5, Bz -10, density off scale. Get out NOW and look!
The Australian Space weather site is currently down, so I am using this site
Here is the near-real time satellite view of the clouds http://satview.bom.gov.au/
Cloud cover predictions can be found at SkippySky.
The all sky aurora camera in Northern Tasmania at Cressy may be helpful.
Current Kp is 5, Bz -10, density off scale. Get out NOW and look!
The Australian Space weather site is currently down, so I am using this site
Here is the near-real time satellite view of the clouds http://satview.bom.gov.au/
Cloud cover predictions can be found at SkippySky.
The all sky aurora camera in Northern Tasmania at Cressy may be helpful.
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